Sunday, April 10, 2011

I was nervous

We went to these big slides in Roseville. They were giant! They were hard so you could slide down it with cardboard. I was nervous at first... now this is the picture.
Then I wasen't nervous. I even went down on my tummy - headfirst! I was not scared and I even waved like an elf when I went down and I didn't have to hold on to the edges. At least at first. I love that park.

Then I held Ryder on the slide at Roseville the giant slide. Speaking of after I went to a wedding party at my friend Holly's house. They lived happily ever after.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The bubbley me

I went to the museum. I love blowing bubbles but this one was humongous. Then I went to the steam. Guess what? There was a man made out of cardboard. I was scared of him. Don't laugh, it's too funny! Don't you? I love my best friend Andy. We have been friends for a long time. I met him when I was a baby. He has red hair. Me and Andy loved the black sand. That was Andy's favorite and my favorite. I was called San Francisco sand and the museum was in San Francisco. We made a bridge with it. Bye.

My Best Friend

Mylee is my best friend. This is my friend Mylee. I bet she would say hello. My friends (especially Mylee) like to help me dress up my brother. He is 2!! My brother got new Lightning McQueen glasses. I love friends because they are so nice, especially Mylee. She is my best friend. I love her because she is sweet and she loves to create stuff like me. She doesn't know how to make forts but I do, she likes my forts. She really does!! I love my mom and dad too! You do? Yes! Bye.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Wonderful Zoo and Lincoln Too

I like going to the zoo. I like seeing the giraffes. I think they are funny. Their necks are really long. I think giraffes are interesting because they have such long necks. Giraffes eat leaves - it is so cool that they can reach up to a tree and crunch them from off of a tree instead of a bowl. Again I love giraffes.

I like orangutans, they are sooo funny! I do not think they snore like my dad, he snores like a pig! I don't think orangutans even snore. I wish orangutans were nocturnal. I love to see them at the zoo. I love orangutans!

This orangutan is funny! He is reaching for his food. He is the funniest, he is a boy. I love this orangutan. I love the zoo too.

I love how the chimpanzees are so funny, I think they are the funniest animal. Are they? Tell me, because I want to know. My favorite animal is a dog, but chimpanzees are funny. I love them. Good-bye, Love Jadyn

My Sleeping Dad

I love the way my Dad sleeps. It is so funny! I think he snores like a pig. I like wrestling with him. He sleeps most of the time... he is a sleepyhead! He is a lawyer so I don't get to see him much. Lawyers are sleepyheads. My Dad is a lawyer so he is a sleepyhead, but he is still great. I love my Dad. I bet my Dad loves me. Goodbye.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I like to take to take pictures. I got my own camera for Christmas! It was 2010. This was my favorite picture so I picked it out. It looks like what high school kids do. I love you mom and dad. Ps. My mom told my dad I am doing a blog when I wanted it to be a surprise for my dad. Just kidding.